Oil Disposal Data/where your oil goes?
Go green!! All of our oil prior to becoming recycled and reused in the Biofuel industry or Animal Feed Industry must be cleaned or “rendered”. In a typical rendering plant, boilers are used to heat up oils causing a natural volatility which in turn separates the oils, food particulates, and water by their mass density. Then the oil is collected from that point by siphon filtering. Our partner, Enhanced Recyclers International (ERI) recycles waste cooking oil using an exclusive process that they patented. This electromagnetic process uses 80% less energy than traditional rendering operations and 15% of the energy they use comes from renewable sources such as wind and solar. Odors are non-detectable outside the plant premises because their system processes the product at the molecular level and with minimal heat.
ERI’s final product is a clean oil feedstock ready to meet the growing demand for alternative fuels and high protein animal feeds.
This process by ERI meets three critical needs:
- They provide the first “Green” alternative to the rendering industry, replacing traditional boilers with Newave® technology.
- They help meet the growing demand for recycling waste cooking oil and many other hydrocarbon-based emulsions.
- They help meet the growing demand for alternative fuel sources as well as exceeding product expectations for animal feed, cosmetics, and plastics.
The ERI system can break most hydrocarbon based emulsions such as; waste motor oil, drilling mud, tank bottoms and glycerin/methanol emulsions from biodiesel manufacturing.
Accounting/How You can report your contribution
At every service call, prior to oil removal, we measure and account for all oil present. This information can be found on your quarterly statement, reflecting both the date and the amount we harvested for you at the service call. This information can be used for verification of recycling compliance.
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